Friday, January 13, 2012

Parenting Resources You Can't Live Without

Until I saw the job listing (sent to me by a friend) earlier this week, I'd never heard of the Yummy Mummy Club. When I saw the link, naturally my first thought was, oh jeez...this is just another one of those "Sex and the City" girly girl websites about wine and lampshades with feathers on them.

OK, that wasn't my initial reaction, but you know the kind of website I'm talking about.

On closer inspection, however, the breadth of parenting info available through YMC is really impressive. Yes, the brand is geared toward mothers, with emphasis on moms who prefer to work in the "L" zone (from "Liberation"...the last stage of Tim Ferriss' 4-Hour Work Week, referring to removal of the individual from an assigned 4x4 cubicle in order to get their work done). But once you dig in a bit, there's no reason -- NO REASON -- why a dad can't make use of Gav Martell's Chicken Vindaloo Soup with Mango Curry Dumplings recipe.

The fact that the site includes a daddy section is of course a bonus. Of course, the savvy dad knows that 99% of the parenting websites out there are built with moms in mind, and knows therefore how to navigate these with a discerning eye and a little masculine adaptation; all of which is certainly possible with very little effort at YMC. But including a section for dads is a nice touch. It's a bit like knowing that once you're a dad, your space will be filled with cuteness and pink stuff and stuff that smells like baby powder. But, you can always escape to the garage with your buddies for a cold beer and something involving spark plugs.

Overall, it's a site I plan to spend a lot of time on, regardless of the outcome of my little campaign here. And if you're an active, engaged parent at any stage (even just the planning-to-eventually-be stage), you'd be smart to hang out there too.

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